YouTube SEO Tips 2021

2021 YouTube SEO Tips - SEO Tools

This video is all about the 2021 YouTube SEO Tips and Tricks to Boost your channel. Guidelines regarding the White hat SEO have been discussed and many online Search Engine Optimization Tools have been suggested for YouTube video production and ranking such as Ahrefs and SEOMoz plus SEM Rush. 

hey, what's up guys everybody assalamu alaikum welcome to the archbird youtube channel today in this video we are going to discuss the 2021 youtube SEO tips which would help you to get a high rank on the youtube search so let's get started and make sure to subscribe to our channel so the number one tip to boost your channel is to choose your keywords wisely actually in this title we are describing or discussing about the keyword tags that we mention in the description and the text box so we should care to take care of the keywords that we choose we may choose and take help from the several online tools such as rapid text dot org and there are also different tools, for example, sem rush or  So, there are many youtube online search tools SEO tools though that you people can use to select the better keywords according to your video title. 

You should also include and take care of those keywords in your title description and the text that you choose in the settings while uploading your video so the second tip is to include the keywords in the title of the video as discussed before we also have to take care of the keywords in the title make sure to give the best title as much as possible that you can and also to include the main keywords so the main target keywords that you think that people should be searching off, for example, people searching might be searching for 2021 youtube SEO tips though you should include this keyword both in the description and in the title or here you may also include the same keyword in the text box while uploading the video so the third tip is to include the keywords in the video file this is the biggest mistake we people do including meals

in in this title i mean that while after uploading the file of the video we also converted and take care of the video format but we don't rename it for example in the cyber link director which is a famous professional video creator tool uh whenever it creates a file whenever we do not rename that file it saves the file in the name of produce one two or three so you must take care of the same thing that you should whenever you produce a new video for your youtube channel you should take care of the file name for example if you are going to make the video on the 2021 seo youtube tips so you should include the same title in the video file or rename it with the same name so this is the thing that also should be taken care while uploading the video so the fourth step is to optimize your description there are many tools available online as we discussed earlier and rush which is one of the most famous seo tools and the rapid tags these you should whatever the suggestion these tools give so you should include those specific keywords all in your description it is said that youtube doesn't care about the tags uh which we include in the uh another box while uploading the video but you should include all those tags related tags in the in the description and the

text box so you must SEO your description and there must be a description of more than 200 words so that visitors viewers and the google robots could read it crawl it and understand your video better the fifth tip is to use video hashtags these are the trending titles or you may the trending slogans that people use for example we commonly see in the Twitter social media accounts there is always uh something or the name that is on trending, for example, uh Taliban youtube and joe Biden us presidency there are many words you can include in the hashtags and these are the hashtags which may be included in the video describes what happens when you include the hashtags in your video is that whenever people click on those hashtags the people can see the similar videos and you might be the lucky one

that you included in your video so there are chances that the viewer

might move to your video or go to watch your video so you should use the youtube video hashtags so it increases the chances of watching time are also the subscribe ability the sixth tip is to select a video category this is also one of the biggest mistakes which the beginners do so whenever you are uploading a youtube video you must take care of it also there are many categories in the youtube it might be filmed animation gaming news science and technology education and pets animals and gardening and lifestyle fashion so you there are many natures many categories so you should select the category of the video while uploading so that people could find your video in a specific so the seventh tip is to use eye-catching thumbnails.

 It is one of our mistakes that we people do not add the thumbnails or if we add the thumbnails we do not make the eye-catching thumbnails so here I am going to tell you some tools that you can use to make your thumbnails eye-catching and better look so because it is the main symbol it is the main thing and it is the uh what we can say that it is the friend and thing that people see and uh it hurts these are the thumbnails that are the people to click on your video so you must take care of their thumbnails so the tools that you can use to produce your thumbnails are canvas and Pixar or if you think that these uh tools are not free, yes these are free these tools are totally free and for canvas, you have just have to login through your Gmail account or the Facebook account and

so through these two tools, you can make and produce eye-catching thumbnails and here is the last eighth tip for 2021 youtube SEO so number eighth tip is to add subtitles and closed captions these are the scripts that are shown on the video whenever you click on the scripts in about whenever your subtitles or captions are enabled you might have seen the words or the script the people or the speaker or the

the person that is speaking in the video is scripted on the video so these subtitles and captions not only help the google algorithms to understand the video that the what's the video or what's the topic of the video but also help the users or the viewers to understand the things they've done and are in noisy or can't be heard by you so these are the subtitles that make the user or the viewer understand the talk or the conversation of the speaker carefully so these are also one of the important SEO tips and it should be considered in 2021 the most so whenever you upload the youtube video you should add the subtitles and captions moving to the last slide here is the concluding points in the concluding points.

 we discussed the number one point which was choose your keywords wisely the second point that we discussed was to include keywords in the title of the video the third point that we discussed was to include the keywords in the video file number four-point that we discussed in the video was to optimize your description number fifth tip to optimize your video was to use video hashtags and the number six tip was to select a video category and the number seven tip was to use eye-catching thumbnails as discussed earlier.

 you can use canvas or the make Pixar I also use both these tools and the number tip was to add subtitles and closed captions so these are the 2021 youtube SEO tips that you should take care of and i uh it's my in my experience these are the tips that may help you to grow on the youtube platform help me to reach 1000 subscribers thank you very much please comment in the blog video

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2021 YouTube SEO Tips - SEO Tools - YouTube Search Engine Ranking 

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